Well, my lovely friends,

It’s that time of year when you need to put a little new sparkle into your wardrobe to get it feeling inviting once again. Have a look at my advice on doing a wardrobe sort https://styleliberation.co.uk/time-to-sort-your-wardrobe/

We are just coming out of the cold and into the warmth. I wore a skirt the other day for a shopping session for the first time, shock to the system but once I’m in… I’m in! No going back now, its dresses and skirts all the way to October!

As someone that’s in the shops constantly let me fill you in on what’s out there for you. The high-street is incredible strong this season, gems to be found in Mango, Zara, Arket, Reiss, Whistles and the Oxford street or Regent branch of H&M. You don’t t need to spent huge amounts of money on high end. My talent is to spot the fabulous pieces quickly amongst the sea of not-so-good out on the crowded shop floors. So, if you need a hand please get in touch.

White and More White

It was the white shirt in winter, now it’s all white outfits for spring/summer 24. There’s an abundance of outfits in white to suit every shape. Everyone loves fresh crisp white in summer! Love this article in fashion food about the timeless appeal of white https://fashionfoodcocktails.com/2024/01/09/trend-report-ss-24the-allure-of-white/

Trench Coat

Trench coats are everywhere for this season, it seems it’s the must have coat. They are a classic and hard to find some seasons. I can’t tell you how many times trench coats are on a client clothing shopping list, but there not anywhere to be found! Not the case this year.

Sheer Separates

Not for the faint hearted but sheer pieces are on every shop floor. This could just be a top under a jacket (not all of us can carry that Kate Moss famous see-through slip dress look! ). Adding a romantic touch to an outfit for evening easily. Nice article in Vogue about transparent clothing https://www.vogue.co.uk/fashion/gallery/the-sheer-power-of-transparent-clothing

Preppy Prep

Perhaps the easiest way to tap into this trend is with a polo shirt. I embraced this look! A lovely article in InStyle, The evolution of Preppy Style.I for one love a vintage Ralph Lauren polo mixed with a smart skirt for example, or a rugby shirt over a dress – it’s just my style. So, for those of you that like nautical stripes, plaids, country club chic, this is the look for you.

Drop It

You will all notice the drop waist dresses or skirts this season out on the shop floors. Fabulous shape, (amazing if you have a flat tummy), this cut is characterised by a fitted top and a low-waisted skirt. The drop-waist item is shaping up to be the star garment in summer 24 – must do more sit ups and stop dinking all that wine!

Sky Blue or Hot Red

I adore these colours! For many of us there is either blue sky ahead, or fabulous hot red to liven up our outfits for the summer ahead. There is a lot dark or neutral clothing out there this season but this stunning blue and red are lifting them.


Don’t pack away your sequins just yet, they are here to stay and splashes of metallics again do elevate our mood – I love a bit of disco fever. Easy to mix simple t-shirts to your winter sequin skirt or trousers, or a metallic top with a light, floaty, summer skirt. Handy tips on how to wear metallic’s.


Fringing is everywhere, whether it is a bag, skirt, jacket, boot, t-shirt, or dress. Doesn’t matter, it is time to get those fringed items out again.


Bows, rosettes, and lace on ultra-feminine garments have been around for a few seasons now, very dress up for afternoon tea looks. Great if anyone has a summer event to attend.

Other strong looks are utility, very wide floaty trousers, lots and lots of shorts. Orange is also big as a colour and sling backs, or ballet shoes add a delicate look to the foot rather than oversized chunk!

Anyway my fabulous people – get shopping – put the time in and you’ll reap the rewards of feeling fabulous in your outfits and not that feeling of dread when you go to choose your outfit and decide “I’ve nothing to wear” !!!

If the thought of hitting the shops feels overwhelming, don’t stress! I’ve still got some openings left for the season, so let’s get a shopping trip or a wardrobe session booked in
